Wednesday, May 16, 2007


The genocide in the Darfur region of the Sudan continues and the world stands by.

Mia was recently on The View to make her case. I've also included a link to a site that explains the history of the genocide.

The world's dependence on oil is as important an issue as Global Warming. The issue within the Sudan is not about oil, but the Chinese are contributing millions of dollars to the government that is committing these atrocities because it wants access the their oil. There are those who believe the US invaded Iraq to gain control of that oil.

DO YOU REALLY NEED TO DRIVE AN SUV/LARGE TRUCK??????? OK, I'm willing to go even farther .. Do you really need that extra car? Do you really need a car? If you live in a large metropolitan area, a car Co-Op might be the answer. If you're not willing to give up your car, then plan your trips so that you multi-task. Write down your mileage and the purpose of your trip.

Today, I have an appointment to meet with the local Car Co-Op. I'm lucky that there are 3 cars within walking distance of my home. More later.