Sunday, April 15, 2007


I started a MeetUp group for people 50+ who want to socialize with others their age. I've gotten a good response and met some amazing people.

Who knew? Social networking for Boomers :):) It works!

I don't know if it's harder to find a group to socialize with when you're older. Seems that way, although there are a lot of amazing people who are interested in the same things you are. No boring tea parties (we are going to learn to play bridge though)

This is exciting! What a use for the internet well, besides blogging :):)

The other news is I'm attending a 10 day workshop called Successful Contracting and Consulting - an accelerated program to give you skills to start a business. Learn guerrilla marketing in a day. Really! the workshop leader was amazing and we now have the outline for our marketing plans. Now that's impressive.