Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Change Everything

The web site changeeverything gives everyone the chance to voice their opinion about changes they'd like to make. It's sponsored by Vancity Savings, a local credit union that supports green causes. Their president Dave Mowatt has been trained by Al Gore to present the Inconvenient Truth slide show.

envirowoman has a substantial following as she tries to remove plastic from her life. I've been inspired by her and now always use re-usable bags at the grocery store.

I'm slowly getting into the habit of walking to the grocery store and the the green grocer, two blocks farther up the street. This green grocer supports local growers in the summer, so I'll get exercise walking the five blocks, keep the air a bit cleaner by not using my car and i can eat locally which in turn keeps the air cleaner by reducing the trip from the producer to me as well as supporting local farmers.

Not a bad result from one small change leading to a larger change.